remember when we went to barnes and noble? and first we had to stop at arctic circle. and you said you'd pay me gas money, even though it was on the side of the road on the way to b&n. you're a dork. so we went through the drive through, and i ordered a burger for you, and two vanilla courtesy cones. and the lady was like, "come on down!" like we were on a game show. then we got to the window and paid the lady, and then the guy game to the window and was like, "BUUUUURGER!" and gave us the bag. it was weird. then he kept looking in the window with the weirdest look on his face, and i was like, why is he looking at jessie like that? and then he said something, and i didn't hear him, so i was just like, weird... and drove away. then you told me he thought that my straw was in chili, and not in apple sauce. ha ha. that was funny. so then we continued to drive to barnes and noble, and i brought a bucket because i threw up the day before at about that same time. so we were getting on the freeway, and i was like, "crap. i'm gonna puke." and so we got the bucket and i was just holding it there because i knew it was gonna come any second. and i made you take the wheel. and i threw up a little bit in the bucket and you didn't even know i did somehow... then i threw up some more and you started laughing uncontrollably. and then we imagined if i threw up, and it caused you to throw up, and so we're just driving down the freeway both puking in the same bucket. ha ha, that would have been unforgettable. but unfortunately it didn't happen. then we got to barnes and noble and i dumped the puke out in the dirt, and we got my journals and looked at optical illusions for forever, then looked at the bunny suicide book (way funny) and then the chinglish book. that was the best ever. i was dying. "SWEARING eternal the spirit... sure." ha ha, that was the best. and then on the way home you were like, "do you believe that i would throw up if i saw you throw up?" but you didn't really say that, but i thought you did and it made me laugh really hard. oh what a day...