remember new years eve 2006 i think? when we were at my house then i went to take you guys home, and we dropped cass off, and then we started getting followed because he thought cass was kylee and i was her new boyfriend or something. and i couldn't drop you off because he'd follow me to your house, so we just kept driving, and he followed us down all these dead end roads and such. it was pretty intense. then we finally lost him in the river bottoms. it was pure skill on my part. that was creepy. i thought i was going to be murdered.
can this be labeled for me too....it was my sister's crazy boyfriend ya know....and I was the one that made him chase you two...and sorry to say...he stopped chasing you because I told him to go to an insane asilum or however you spell it...and he stopped. he was crazy...i think he is better now