remember right before adam left for the summer? and we decided we'd go canoeing? so we put my big ugly orange canoe on top of my blazer, and it was pretty much longer than my blazer. and then we tied it through the car, so we had to get in through the windows. then we went to that little pond in bluffdale and the canoe was bigger than the pond. but not really, it was just funny that we were canoeing on such a small body of water. then adam stood up like a gondolier and was singing juan paco pedro de la mar, and i decided that that's how i'm going to propose to my future wife, because it was really romantic floating in that canoe with mary and having adam sing to us a romantic song... then we hopped the fence and put pennies on the railroad tracks and flattened them. then we played catch with my keys on top of the pillars, and adam broke my bling bling key chain and i was pissed. but i got over it. i think i got on top of the pavillion too... i do get on the tops of lots of pavillions for some reason. it must be fun or something.
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