remember when we floated down the river in a swimming pool? we couldn't find any tubes, so we bought a pool from walmart. it took about an hour to blow it up with our measly lungs, but we achieved sufficient buoyance.

then we took it out on the little pond thing, and it was FREEZING. and bigelow splashed me with mud and made me upset. but i got over it. then we went up the canyon and finally found the canal thing after like an hour of looking for it. so we got in and started floating and life was great... for a little while. there were these... women... on tubes that we came across. i don't remember exactly what happened, it was all a blur, but i remember that it was all their fault that our swimming pool popped. but we thought it was no big deal, and the three other sections of our vessel would keep us afloat. eventually, water started coming in. ice cold water. it was pure pain. especially when rocks hit our butts. ouch. and then all heck broke loose when bigelow started peeing in the water that we were sitting in. jessie literally stood up and ran to the other side of the pool, pushing the bottom of the pool down farther, so that we all were bombarded on our bottoms by sharp river stones. finally we got out and blew it up some more, then finished our journey down the river. it was great. my favorite part was when the rope was hanging from a cliff wall above us, and i yelled, GRAB IT! so jessie tried her hardest to grab it, and we were all desperate to get a hold of the rope, and she finally got it, but the current was too strong and it slipped out of her hand. and then we realized... how would grabbing the rope even help? it was pointless, but i'm so glad we tried so hard.
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