remember wendy's?! ha ha ha ha ha! i don't think i've ever laughed harder in my life. as i'm sure you both remember with crystal clarity, we were sitting in a booth, just eating and minding our own business. well... me and brittany were. bigelow, however, was flirting with a sixth grade boy sitting at the table through the window. ha ha. she couldn't see the dad sitting there because there was a window in the way or something. so she decided she would be funny and hit the glass on the window and scare the kid. but unfortunately she didn't now her own strength, and she completely knocked the glass out of the pane, and it fell flat onto the little family's entire meal. then she definitely saw the dad, because he was furious. and he told her to go tell the people that she broke their window. so she went up to the counter. in the mean time, brittany and i were both trying SO hard not to laugh. but it was hard, and so awkward because the guy was just like sitting there looking at us. and we could totally tell that the kid and his sister were trying not to laugh too. it was so funny. so bigelow comes back because there was nobody at the counter, and just put the window back in the pane, and walked out of the restaurant and sat on the grass in front of the car until me and brittany were done eating. oh man. it was great.
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