remember when i was driving to jesse's for a meeting one day? and you were one hundred percent onrey for some reason, and so you slept the whole way. and we got to the street his house was on, and i slammed on my brakes and yelled at the top of my lungs, and you crapped your pants. and then you punched me. oh man, it was totally worth it. and then one time after a meeting we went to payson and hung out with stripes girl, and then when we went home i told you i knew a shortcut. but it took like an hour longer. but it wasn't really an hour longer. i really do think it was faster. it just seemed longer because it was through the desert. ha ha... and remember how nacho libre reminds us of us? funny.
For a moment, I thought that said "strip girl" not stripes. I was ashamed to know you for one moment.