remember when we saran wrapped jessie's car at the movie theater? first of all, me and adam went to answer jessie to sweethearts (she asked adam this year) and we were going to saran wrap a paper that said "yes" to her pillar. so we went to do it, and we realized that all the houses next to jessie's are EXACTLY the same, and we forgot which one was hers. so we were like... well. we have lots of saran wrap, and multiple pieces of paper. let's just do all of these houses, and we're bound to get one of them right. so we went to the first house, and we saran wrapped the pillar, and right as we were finishing, a big truck pulls into the driveway. the door was on the side of the house, so we just hid against the wall, and behind the pillar. then we had to hurry and get out of there before the man murdered us, so we had to crawl under the garage window, and book it to the street. it took some crazy ninja skills, but we made it. so then we finished the rest of the houses, and kristen called and told us we should go meet them at the movie theater at the district. so we headed that way and told them we'd be like ten minutes when we were really only like 2 minutes away. so we got there way earlier than they expected us to, and we found jessie's car, and started saran wrapping it. and we could totally see you guys through the glass doors in the theater because the car was right in front of it. we were pretty much completed wrapping the car when kristee finally saw us and burst out the door like an angry beast and bounded after us. we took off running, and kristee pursued. we crossed the road to where my car was parked, and we wouldn't have escaped the wrath of kristee if it weren't for the huge white truck that totally plowed her over. just kidding, but if she didn't stop running after us, the truck would have demolished her. adam and i still like imagining it did. it's great... ha ha.
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