remember this night? it was such a fun date. possibly the funnest ever. thanks for being my date mary. and the tv talk was the best ever. here, eat this goop. it's good for you. anchovies! the chicken man... austen being all the hideous women, and mary as the little boy that said three words. and playing pool with those mirrors on our faces. it was so much fun.
ty!!! this was really nice of you to do this. that night was amazingly fun. that's the night that austen danced too!we had such good times:) like when we jumped out of the hot tub and laid in the snow!!! we're crazy kids:) i miss it so much! and i'll miss you too ty. you are a very good friend to me. and thank you for the sweet things u wrote in my year book. Everytime i read it i'll remember our good memories:) thanks for having me be your date at battle of the bands!